It took about a week longer than I planned, but here's the Apocalypse update! First off, here are the other four armies (due to ease of editing, the game report will be in a separate post):
Dom brought 2000 points of Crimson Fists, led by Pedro Kantor. Dom included his newly bought and painted Land Raider Redeemer, hoping to burn Traitor Marines with its spicy hot Inferno Cannons. Primary reason Commander Pedro Kantor isn't as good as the Mighty Captain Taelos: Whilst his planet was under attack by Orks, he accidentally detonated an ICBM on his own fortress monastery, killing two thirds of his own chapter. And they still allow this man the Orbital Strike special rule?

Andrew brought his old Scythes of the Emperor army, led by Chapter Commander Iago Thracius. Whilst they're not quite a shiny as his stunning new Scythes models, it's still a great looking army and holds a lot of fond memories for him. Primary reason Commander Iago Thracius isn't as good as the Dashing Captain Taelos: He lost most of his chapter and his homeworld to the Tyranids and to re-build his chapter has been reduced to letting anybody in. The man clearly has no taste.

Nicola, signing up for team evil, went for a Chaos Undecided army, mixing Nurgle Death Guard, Khorne World Eaters and some of her own Dark Brotherhood Traitor Marines. Again, great looking models, and the eagle-eyed amongst you will recognise the World Eaters from page 228 of the current 40K rulebook. Although it includes four HQ choices, starting with a winged Khorne Lord and a Sorcerer in Terminator armour, the two contingents are led by Khârn the Betrayer (Kill! Maim! Burn!) and a Death Guard Commander under the control of a being known only as 'Nippy the Wonder Slug' (counts as Chaos Lord on Nurgle Palanquin). Primary reason Khârn the Betrayer isn't as good as the Sagacious Captain Taelos: Taelos has a vocabulary of more than three words. Primary reason 'Nippy the Wonder Slug' isn't as good as the Handsome Captain Taelos: Captain Taelos isn't a slug.

Finally... The player shipped in from Ireland on Ryanair, the Commander shipped in from the Warp on his personal ship Ack Ack the Slaughter Palace, completing the four flavours of Chaos, it's Pat Dunford and the Emperor's Children led by the hateful renegade, N'kaa N'kaa N'kaa N'kaa. There was a period at the old GW Bristol when you could go into the store during the day and you would be almost guaranteed to see the forces of Slaanesh arrayed against my Imperial Fists. Sadly, with Pat now living overseas there aren't many chances for re-matches any more, but with an Apocalypse game arranged, the chance for the old foes to meet again was too good to miss. N'kaa N'kaa N'kaa N'kaa brings with him a variety of Traitor Marines, Terminators and Dreadnoughts along with a Lost and the Damned Apocalypse formation of Chaos Cultists and a mighty Keeper of Secrets from the Warp (or possibly the Daemon Codex). Primary reason N'kaa N'kaa N'kaa N'kaa isn't as good as the Heroic Captain Taelos: N'kaa N'kaa N'kaa N'kaa leads a rag tag mix of child soldiers and failed musicians, whilst Taelos leads the mightiest and yellowest Space Marines of them all.