Monday, August 11, 2008

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

In a shameless piece of copying, I've decided to start posting random odds and ends on a blog, dropping my two pennies into the Great Pit of Carkoon that is the internet. Maybe those random odds and ends will spend a thousand years digesting. As the title suggests, it'll probably become a repository of all things geeky, whether toy, cartoon or automotive related.

'Umbrella Graveyard' is the name of Mr Ben Brooks' emo-blog, from which I've drawn my inspiration/ruthlessly stolen the idea of. Except that mine will be much less emo (blogs are automatically a bit emo). Years ago Ben used to be my manager (before I started working for 'The Company'), but I like to think our relationship is now closer to one of equals. Or at least when I do something ethically ambiguous now, he doesn't have to consider sacking me. This was all back at what Jefferson 'A-Bomb' McDeath, Urban Destruction, Lord of the End Times used to euphemistically refer to as 'The Art Shop'. At least that's what he used to call it around women. In reality it was more a Games and Hobby Store / Daycare Centre / Nerd Cave (delete as applicable).

But I digress. I need a place to divert that pent up buffoonery when it all becomes too much pretending to be a sensible engineer during the day job. And I don't think it does much for career prospects capering, hooting and tooting through Project Hall 1.

1 comment:

Ben said...

To quote a friend of mine, "welcome to the narcissistic world of blogging". The challenge now is to write another post before you get bored of the whole idea...

Anyway, since this blog is purported (by me) to be a safe haven for all things geeky, here's what's been going down on Tuesdays:
- Krud Smirnov lost a finger, reducing him to WS1. Coupled with his BS1 and M3, I decided the best thing to do was to sell his sorry arse to the guilders.
- In his place, I recruited an ex-con called Vlad Hammer. Ten years in a Goliath Gulag have left him seemingly unable to feel pain; he started out with an extra wound, and in his first game Vlad survived three turns of shooting from the RoboJew's entire gang, before taking taking one of the cloven-hooved mutants out and forcing them to bottle.
- I have a new juve, Smash Molotov. He's played two games, been taken out of action in both, and Survived Against The Odds both times.
- Grudge Kisnetzov is now BS6, and invented another powerfist.
- So now HK Neblomovic has two powerfists.