Death machine manufacture was a bit slow this week, so had to remind myself what it's all about. I therefore visited Alameda Naval Air Station and their floating museum, the USS Hornet. Run by friendly and cheerful veterans of various American wars, it's an old aircraft carrier that in addition to its military duties found time to pick up the crews of Apollos 11 and 12. The best bit (for the eternal child in me) was getting to ride the aircraft elevators up and down.
I know Ben prefers to keep it to one picture per blog post, but since Sam's hat wish list crashed my computer, I have no compunction in posting the following:

The USS Hornet moored at Alameda in the East Bay.

Douglas A-4 Skyhawk in Soviet colours, used for Agressor training. Just like Jester and Viper's jets.

Apollo and Gemini capsules. Cold War rather than proper war.
Everyone gets shouted at by ex-sailors before the lift begins. The heliopter behind us provides a helpful hint of here we're going.
You're still dangerous, but..... Wow, that thing's cool.
Oh, and I can't believe no-one blogged about our pub quiz team fan club!
I'm not sure they're fans. And since none of us managed to get up there this weekend, they probably think their Dinner Club Dedicated To The Eradication Of Pretentious Team Names has been a success...
Damn them all to Hades.
Your feeble attempt to crash my PC has failed Matthew I am the bestest. Great pictures though mmm war porn. For the mean streets of Frisco you need a menacing, black Dodge Challenger and a mean looking Trilby. Remember if you want to get ahead get a hat!
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