Friday, January 9, 2009


The mighty Imperial Fists march to war this weekend, resplendant in their new colour scheme. Led by Forgemaster Dr. Octavius, this brave band of men, with their allies the Mantis Warriors (who are much more dubious and much less glorious) will attempt to destroy the alien menace. How many will return? Will any? Find out next week, and wish them good luck and Godspeed!

1 comment:

Will Foxton said...

oooh pretty soldiers!

Can we have close ups of the scouts please?

Once you've told us how many times you lost, ofc.

Btw, to prove my psychic powers, my prediction is a 100% loss rate. (Approx 50% Matt losing from being allowed to touch dice, 40% Jason listening to a Rush album and not paying attention, 10% from playing against massive gays using some bent army, followed by a nomination for best army that Andrew and Nicola win).

Thus, pre-emptively, you were robbed Matt.