Thursday, September 25, 2008

Goon #1 reporting for duty

The Company decided I was obviously spending too much time at home and sent me to Nottingham for the night. Oh well, at least I got to do a spot of painting. I know Nottingham has a reputation for a great nightlife (I did once live there, briefly) but once you've checked into a hotel, rustled up some food and realised what time you have to be up in the morning to attend that meeting where everyone's going to blame you for what's gone wrong (I hate you Department of Homeland Security!), you don't really feel like going out. Anyhow, this is what I got done:

I've only done two so far, but I'm really pleased with how these Fists are coming out. I think the Vomit Brown shading is working really well. It's much easier to paint that those damn black lines too. Willard Foxton disagrees, however, saying, "Personally, I really liked the stark contrast". Personally, I really bloody hated painting it. Andrew Taylor reckons Will's entirely wrong. I'll leave those who've seen both parties' painted models to decide who's right in this case.

Anyway, I played a game of fifth edition 40k using the brand new Space Marine codex (thanks Nic!) against Paul the RoboJew (part man, part machine, ALL JEW) and his Imperial Guard Storm Troopers. Despite some Hellhound problems, my mighty Fists rocked home to victory, with Captain Taelos and his command squad working their way through several units. The new apothecary rules make command squads so much tougher, with Taelos and Morlock shrugging off quantities of wounds that would have felled whole squads of Fists previously (they felt NO pain!). They're pricey, but quite frankly Taelos and Morlock need all the help they can get to survive a game.

1 comment:

Ben said...

The day you have to take advice on painting from The Infamous Willard Foxton will be the same day that we can give him advice on being a philanthropist, big game hunter and colossal blaggard.