Note the unnecessary, pretentious touches, like marine with hawk, marine with bionic leg stolen from a Necron warrior (healthcare is SO expensive these days) and marine in mk4 armour with giant flashlight.
These goons include squad leader / 2nd in command, sniper rifle and special weapon operator. I figure that if in the new marine codex all marines with boltguns also have bolt pistols, then the marines with plasma guns must also have plasma pistols, right? The GT judges will allow that, right? Right?
And they all ride to battle in the giant yellow fun bus. The black stuff at the front is additional stowage / equipment. Those who've seen my tanks before will know my insatiable thirst for stowage. Unfortunately I'm starting to run out of the Tamiya Modern US army equipment sprues. Does anyone have any?
I still need to do a Plasma Cannon for these boys. And I will, just a soon as I think of an unnecessary conversion for him. Probably involving huge amounts of protection for when his gun explodes, attempting to kill him. And I do mean WHEN, not IF.
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