Monday, September 22, 2008

I may be slack, but I have painted some toys

I've been far too slack about this whole blog thing, so here are some new pictures - A new Imperial Fist Sergeant for the new 2008 Codex: Space Marines and the fifth edition of Warhammer 40,000.

The main differences between what will be a new army and the previous one are:

  • I'm using Vomit Brown instead of Chaos Black to shade, which gives a more subtle effect (and is much easier to paint)

  • I'm putting much more detail on the bases to gimmick them up a notch (I blame Andrew and Nicola for this)

  • More conversions and gimmicks. Continuing the theme of my abortive Ultramarine army, I'm going with the 'Every Space Marine is a hero' idea, so each model should have something unique about him, such as a silly bolter, some bionics etc.

I've already painted a Terminator squad (painted whilst in California - thanks to Tyler, Eric, Paul and Matt at GW Stoneridge Mall, Dublin for putting up with me!), but the first of the new Tactical Marines is here. Apparently this is a US only model available via a website offer, so ultra-rare here in the UK. Which is nice. Paul at GW Stoneridge gave me this for helping him and Matt out with some terrain - Ben Brooks would be proud, it's all his tips. Incidentally, Stoneridge Paul is one of the angriest men I've ever met (although he had just had his wisdom teeth removed) and does tell a good story. If you happen to be passing, ask him about the 'Nurgle's Birthday' story.

1 comment:

Ben said...

Only one power fist?! What a loser...