Monday, October 26, 2009
Mmm... Upgrades
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Apocalypse Delayed
Team Evil began with a headlong charge for the Imperial lines with supporting fire from the Noise Marines of the Thousand Sons, with only some of the Dreadnoughts proving to be suffering from insanity. With the benefit of 'hugs' from another Dreadnought (parking a sane Dreadnought in front of the recalcitrant one's guns), the friendly fire was kept to a minimum. Lucikly, all this shooting was fairly ineffectual, with only a small number of Imperial losses, and one Chaos loss (note the lack of Imperial Fist casualties - clearly a sign of superior tactics).
The Imperials replied with a hail of fire from Vindicator Squadrons, Predator battle tanks, Devestator squads, a Titan and three separate orbiting space craft. Not to be outdone by the other chapter masters, Captain Taelos had chosen the strategic asset of firing giant lasers at the Chaos army from space. This had the desired effect of vaporising an entire squad of Emperor's Children.
The Imperial and Crimson Fist Terminators held off the World Eaters, led by Kharn (KHAAAARN!) the Betrayer and a winged Khorne Lord with a Daemon weapon (+11 attacks! PLUS ELEVEN!), whist the Tactical Marines were assaulted by a Sorceror Lord leading more Khorne Berserkers. In the centre, though, was the big re-match everyone had been waiting for, the grudge match - Taelos vs N'kaa N'kaa N'kaa N'kaa! Fortunately for Taelos, the new Chaos Codex had not been kind to the Slaaneshi traitor and when the dust settled, one stood and one had fallen... N'kaa N'kaa N'kaa N'kaa had fallen and the victor was.... well, okay it was Crusher Gibson with his giant smashing Power Fist. But the main point is that Taelos got to see N'kaa N'kaa N'kaa N'kaa crushed. If your goons do it at your command, it's kind of like you doing it, right?
- The Doomsday device activation! Team Evil followed the activation procedure to a tee, with their demands as follows (guess who ordered each!): Space Wolves must from now on wear pink, loyalist's bolters must now fire kittens, and that N'kaa N'kaa N'kaa N'kaa must be brought the head of Captain Taelos! Needless to say, we don't negotiate with devil-worshipping terrorists, but before we could send any response they had already activated it and disintegrated Dr. Octavius and attendant tactical squad. Boo to terrorists!
- Andrew's commander, Master Thracius, revealed at the start of the game that he was carrying the fabled Power Scythe of Sotha, making him virtually unstoppable in close combat (in game terms, it doubled his attacks and made him Strength 10). The downside of this is that if he falls during the game, the enemy counts as holding an extra objective... see below.
- Jason's terrifyingly mysterious Silver Tower of Tzeentch was a real star, utilising mystic wards to protect the onrush of lunatic infantry. Its BEAM OF POWER! was responsible for much destruction, destroying Land Raider tanks, Dreadnoughts and even an unwary Iago Thracius, Andrew's commander. In this Jason showed the classic 40K solution to ludicrously powerful close combat characters - a gaint cannon. With Thracius down, the Chaos forces could claim the objective of capturing his holy relic weapon.
- Pat's army didn't just consist of Kiss rejects and ASBO recipients hopped up on goofballs - there was also the Keeper of Secrets (otherwise known as the 'Doom Cow') lurking in the Warp. On materialising, it promptly inflicted the Dance of Slaanesh on its enemies, playing them like puppets. No-one was left unscathed, not even the Warhound Titan, as they all danced a merry jig - imagine a 50 foot war robot hopping and dancing on the spot like a loon and you can't go far wrong. It didn't really achieve very much, but it did complete its primary objective of making Pat laugh.
- In typical style, Pat proceeded to predict with a cackle, on the turn of the Chaos charge that they'd kill, "ooh, about forty Space marines". Of course, this being Pat, when the dust had settled and we counted the casualties, it turned out be... exactly forty Space Marines. Curse you Pat!
- Prior to the game, a cabal of Tzeentchian sorcerors had been working deep in the warp for 1,000 years, creating dark ensorcellments to enslave a dozen horrific Daemons and encasing them within a special daemonic bolt shell - the mighty DAEMON SHELL. Jason's terminators only revealled this on the turn they teleported in, ready to help storm the loyalists' battle line. The good guys held their collective breath as the sky turned black and the gun was aimed... Unfortunately, it turned out one of the sorcerors had made a mistake at step 4,890,567, three hundred years earlier as the gun proceeded to explode, generating a short lived but powerful (and ironic) warp vortex centred on the Terminators themselves, sucking them in forever. Oops! When it comes to cabals of sorcerors, I definitely rate the ones that built the Silver Tower over the ones that built the Daemon shell.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Apocalypse Last Week
It took about a week longer than I planned, but here's the Apocalypse update! First off, here are the other four armies (due to ease of editing, the game report will be in a separate post):
Dom brought 2000 points of Crimson Fists, led by Pedro Kantor. Dom included his newly bought and painted Land Raider Redeemer, hoping to burn Traitor Marines with its spicy hot Inferno Cannons. Primary reason Commander Pedro Kantor isn't as good as the Mighty Captain Taelos: Whilst his planet was under attack by Orks, he accidentally detonated an ICBM on his own fortress monastery, killing two thirds of his own chapter. And they still allow this man the Orbital Strike special rule?
Andrew brought his old Scythes of the Emperor army, led by Chapter Commander Iago Thracius. Whilst they're not quite a shiny as his stunning new Scythes models, it's still a great looking army and holds a lot of fond memories for him. Primary reason Commander Iago Thracius isn't as good as the Dashing Captain Taelos: He lost most of his chapter and his homeworld to the Tyranids and to re-build his chapter has been reduced to letting anybody in. The man clearly has no taste.
Nicola, signing up for team evil, went for a Chaos Undecided army, mixing Nurgle Death Guard, Khorne World Eaters and some of her own Dark Brotherhood Traitor Marines. Again, great looking models, and the eagle-eyed amongst you will recognise the World Eaters from page 228 of the current 40K rulebook. Although it includes four HQ choices, starting with a winged Khorne Lord and a Sorcerer in Terminator armour, the two contingents are led by Khârn the Betrayer (Kill! Maim! Burn!) and a Death Guard Commander under the control of a being known only as 'Nippy the Wonder Slug' (counts as Chaos Lord on Nurgle Palanquin). Primary reason Khârn the Betrayer isn't as good as the Sagacious Captain Taelos: Taelos has a vocabulary of more than three words. Primary reason 'Nippy the Wonder Slug' isn't as good as the Handsome Captain Taelos: Captain Taelos isn't a slug.
Finally... The player shipped in from Ireland on Ryanair, the Commander shipped in from the Warp on his personal ship Ack Ack the Slaughter Palace, completing the four flavours of Chaos, it's Pat Dunford and the Emperor's Children led by the hateful renegade, N'kaa N'kaa N'kaa N'kaa. There was a period at the old GW Bristol when you could go into the store during the day and you would be almost guaranteed to see the forces of Slaanesh arrayed against my Imperial Fists. Sadly, with Pat now living overseas there aren't many chances for re-matches any more, but with an Apocalypse game arranged, the chance for the old foes to meet again was too good to miss. N'kaa N'kaa N'kaa N'kaa brings with him a variety of Traitor Marines, Terminators and Dreadnoughts along with a Lost and the Damned Apocalypse formation of Chaos Cultists and a mighty Keeper of Secrets from the Warp (or possibly the Daemon Codex). Primary reason N'kaa N'kaa N'kaa N'kaa isn't as good as the Heroic Captain Taelos: N'kaa N'kaa N'kaa N'kaa leads a rag tag mix of child soldiers and failed musicians, whilst Taelos leads the mightiest and yellowest Space Marines of them all.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Choose the Form of Your Destruction!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Apocalypse Saturday
- Dom with his Crimson Fists led by the nacho-munching Commander Pedro Kantor
- Andrew with the Scythes of the Emperor led by the fanboys' favourite, Commander Iago Thracius
- Myself with the mighty Imperial Fists Space Marines, led by the heroic and dashing Captain Taelos, ably supported by Brother Morlock (and some guy named Lysander - whoooo?)
- Jason with his Tzeentchian Thousand Sons, led by the Daemon Prince Gozer the Traveller (otherwise known as 'Mr. Cadburys Parrot')
- Nicola with a rag-tag assortment of evil, led by Kharn the Betrayer (he of pub quiz fame) and some being known only as 'Nippy the Wonder-Slug'
- Finally, Pat with the Slaaneshi forces of the Emperor's Children, led by the well known pervert, N'Kaa N'Kaa N'Kaa N'Kaa
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
But is it art?
Monday, April 27, 2009
RIP Pontiac

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Hammertime: The Sequel
Played against Tau this evening, 1,000 points annihilation. Scraped a win, despite the school boy error of splitting my force, partly through Lysander's sheer badassery, but also through krak grenades smashing tanks! Woohoo!
- 25 Guardsmen (including HQ)
- Leman Russ Demolisher tank
- 10 Ratlings
- An Ork Stompa
- Seven Nobs Bikes, including Painboy
- Wazdakka Gutzmek
- An Ork Battle Wagon
In every game, they've killed at least their points value. They're pretty powerful! And I think I've worked out a general tactic with them. It's not very subtle, and it's very similar to the Ork one of loaading the Ork Nobz up on bikes and smashing all before it. But basically, that's pretty much it. You have one or two devestatingly powerful shock units (and the old 'eggs in one basket' issue isn't as important now due to the deimse of victory points) which rampage through the enemy army whilst your horde of Troops choices scuttle to the objectives. I'm not too worried about spending points on making the troops more killy as they're there to hold objectives, although I'm willing to spend points to make them tougher. It seems to be working fine so far! And I plan on taking it one step further by doubling the size of the hammer boys from five to ten. I look forward to seeing how they fare at Vanguard Vanquish in April.
And finally, just to annoy Ben, here's my current rental car. Unfortunately they were all out of Dodge Challengers.
And for those of you who aren't interested in toy soldiers or cars, here's a photo of San Francisco at night.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Can the Department of Homeland Security please not unpack my models this time?
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Snowmen and other fun
Anyway, Laura came up at the weekend and we built a snowman, which was a lot of fun.
We couldn't exactly agree on what to call him, so as a compromise, he became known as Bob Frosty.
And then Dom forwarded me this photo - no idea where it is, but there's some great ones in there. Check out Ninja snowman (he's camouflaged), alien snowman, and Bert and Ernie Snowmen. Jason now has it as his computer desktop.

Continuing the snowman theme, we have Calvin and Hobbes. On seeing these photos, Jason said, "It's all very Calvin and Hobbes". So I investigated (i.e. I typed Calvin Hobbes Snowman into Google) and came up with these gems:

And finally, a real life version. Which is AWESOME.

ACTUALLY finally, I had to post this as well. Although it's on Youtube, I didn't actually find it there... I found it in a much geekier place...
"Small cars parked in fields fear many things... They fear discovery, they fear retribution, but most of all, they fear the Wrath of the Space Marines!!!"
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
But right now I don't feel like it. The father of a good friend of mine has died this week, and I'm sitting here feeling increasingly angry about it. I'm not sure what I'm angry at in particular, but I do know that it shouldn't have happened. I also feel sad that now I shall never get the chance to meet a man I've heard so much about, who sounded so witty, brave and interesting. I find myself wondering how many more are going to be affected by the times we live in.
I'm so sorry for you Will, and all your friends are here for you if you need us. You've got our phone numbers.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Everything is Easier with Four Extra Limbs
- Dr. Octavius, Forgemaster of the Imperial Fists. With his four extra robotic arms, mounting claws, flmaethrowers and plasma cutters, he's a whole unit in one model! His ability to build a base also helps.
- Librarian Shimio of the Mantis Warriors. Has the 'Gate of Infinity' power (or teleport to you and me) which he uses to drive what became known as 'The Fun-Vee' ("I'm sorry, this is the Fun-Vee. The Humdrum-Vee is back there"). This was himself, ten more Space Marines and later Dr. Octavius jumping around the board, setting fire to things and generally being rowdy. But with psychic powers.
- The Imperial Fists Whirlwind Artillery tank. No-one really expected this one. Certainly not Owen Rees and his Master of the Ravenwing Landspeeder, which we proceeded to fire missiles at the back of.
Owen Rees' slightly bizarre Watcher in the Dark mounted on Cyber-Manticore.
An only slightly less terrifying thought for many of you, I'm sure - Warhammer World's gaming hall, filled with over 250 gamers.